05 May 2007

in response to (not so) Anonymous

One of my favourite anonymous rewarded my existence with a series of twelve challenging questions I will now attempt, with the feable intellectual capacities that were granted to me by nature, to answer.

1. Why do you blog in English
Choosing a language to write in remains a tricky business for me. When I used to hesitate between French and English ten years ago, I am now torn between German and English. Writing in French is just not an option anymore. It's all a matter of which culture I feel more grounded in - and I insist on the "feel", as identity is an entirely subjective matter. Even though I feel more and more grounded in Germany, and German friends sometimes tend to forget that I'm not One Of Them, I'm only grounded in a mini-minimal zone of German culture, and I would never say I feel German.
Where the whole matter gets more tricky, is if I try to justify to myself the choice of English. Let's look at the facts: I spent 20 years in France, 7 years in Germany, and no more than a few weeks at a time in England. I've often been surrounded by anglophones, and I usually find it a lot easier to feel comfortable with anglophones than with francophones or Germanophones. But nevertheless, my exposition to British (or even American) culture, compared to French and German, doesn't go very far. In spite of all this, English continues to be my language of reference.

2. Did you see how the LAPD dealt with peaceful immigrant demonstrations on m'aidez?
No, I hadn't. Not good.

3. I love reading you - it flows, it's taking me somewhere.
Thank you. Very. Much.

4. Isn't it about time you settled down and became Executive Secretary for the Marketing manager of Total?
This is an interesting point, and I want to promise I will not discard it all too rashly. But no.

5. Isn't it sweet how Jacques (later years) tyootwaz Angela..
Jacques (the Early Years) is much sweeter. Although not as sweet as Sarko, the early years.

6. Love you
Right back at ya

7. Gonna send Tom for his 18th (remember) a collection of music and films that had an impact on me... Hendrix, Dead, Easy Rider et al of that ilk.

8. Bisous
I continue to spell bisoux with an X. I don't understand why nobody does it. It seems right, proper, appropriate, considerate, morally superior and correct. Could it be that I'm wrong and have been all these years?

9. You'll end up with a ber belly - just like me - in a week or two
No be belly, nor beer belly. My belly very flat and exercised. As were my biceps last week after an intensive move-helping-mission.

10. No ten.
Typical. Ab-so-lut-ly typical. You've never been a reliable ten giver.

11. I bet you don't know who this is.
Well, you're the anonymous guy, you know, the one with the beer belly who listens to hendrix - aaaah, your name as just slipped my mind, but I'm sure we've met. Didn't we meet last week in ER?

12. So....?
And now, for something completely different.
Number one: The Larch.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wee, saytay mwah. Chew a devinay may je ne say pa common. Purr tetre saytay mon axan.

Bown, je vay leer urn pe ploos de votre blog en anglay.

Bees ooze.

8:32 pm  

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