31 May 2007

Final blog post

Sweetys of the world, unite.... I am off, off for good, and the bougling world will have to deal with it, and deal with it fine. I don't necessarily want to discuss the absolute chaos in my room, the fact that I still haven't packed, that it's late and should be sleeping, that I've been going out to meetings and little political actions every night, that I haven't cooked in so long, that I'm going to spend the next ten days having cold showers and camping around in uncertain wheather, that I still don't know for sure that it's alright for me to show up at Karlshof after g8, that I keep forgetting to get in touch with my prof to check that he did get my paper, that it's going to rain on Friday when we're doing the antimilitaristic action at the bombodrom with our cardboard painted UFOs, that there's very little time tomorrow morning to pack, sort out, clean, tidy up, get the last items I need, and go off to [m]'s to drop whatever I need for the trip after g8 and my laptop before we both set off to meet up with the other clowns and catch our train in far northern Berlin... No, I don't necessarily want to discuss this...
I nearly feel sorry to leave Berlin now, now that I've met or gotten to know various people I would like to work with politically, now that I feel more secure about myself, what I want, how I want to interact with others. But I'm off! I had my last day at work today and saw envy in several of my co-workers' eyes who kept saying "ah yeah, four months off, travelling off to france, spain, portugal, that DOES sound good". And I left them behind, them and their prospect for a summer spent at the overheated office crooked up straining their eyes towards the computer screen writing meaningless reports feeling stressed up and pressured to work more, work more, work more, without daring to ask themselves why they do. How privileged, privileged I feel to allow myself to keep control of my life. I need to enable myself to have more freedom. Next year will go further this way.

But I realise I haven't necessarily explained where and how I will go off and what my plans actually are... so before I disappear, here's a short overview...

PHASE ONE - G8 summit and other activities around it, from June 1 to 9 or 10. This is what we've all been preparing for over the last month(s): The protest around G8, against the conceptions of democracy and leadership, power and government that is represented and mediatised through the event. And being there with thousands of other people who believe in self-organisation, consensus as a form of organising political decision making, environmentally friendly life style, and organising their life goals beyond comfort and consumption... will be inspiring and heart warming.

PHASE TWO - rural projects until end of june, early july. I will hopefully be able to spend several weeks in Karlshof (the non commercial agriculture project near berlin), and pay a short visit to a project near hamburg. Perhaps I'll also go back to Ulenkrug, where I went with [m] last december.

PHASE THREE - moving on to France, July. A few days in Paris, then off to Britanny with my old friend [X], perhaps also [C], working on mum's house for a couple of weeks.

PHASE FOUR - moving down south, mid or late July. If I decide to go to Portugal to the Ecotopia meeting, I'll slowly but surely make my way there. If I don't, I'll stop off in France at other projects - and head for the project near Madrid that I've heard of.

PHASE FIVE - slowly moving back north, September. And arriving back in Berlin on the last weekend of September, to face dreary weather but hopefully see lots of people who haven't totally forgotten about me...

And then - back to normal. One seminar to finish off, work, that sort of stuff. I'll probably be looking for another place to stay, cheaper, with more political people. We'll see. Slowly, gradually, trying to reorganise my life so that I'm less dependent on money. And 2007 already seems finished, even though it's also only just started...

So good night to you all, bougling people, you will hear from me through other channels.


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