buying freedom
A month or so ago, I got a punctual job from a large German governmental agency via someone I don't really know but am sort of connected to via a network of environmentally-focused ex and present political science students. It was two days of work and got me the same money I get in two weeks at my usual job. That's when I definitely decided that buying my four months of freedom this summer would not be too much of a problem after all.
Indeed, the customers were happy, and last week I received an email from another person who works at this agency, offering me another translation job. I always find giving my prices difficult - I tend to think I'm a lot cheaper than a translation office, but when I calculate my line rate for a whole document, I end up staring at four digit numbers on the calculator which I simply don't feel comfortable asking for or even receiving. So I reduced my rate a little and will get the equivalent of my usual monthly salary for a week's work. My four months of freedom are already mostly covered for now.
In a way, if I could feel certain that I would get a constant flow of work, I wouldn't mind being freelance again. But the benefits of my present contract are obvious - paid vacation, stable hours, stable pay. If I were freelance, I would never be sure of when the next job comes and would run the usual risk of freelance existence, namely either no work or overwork. There's rarely any in-between.
And it's not like these translations are more in keeping with my principles. Bob knows they are not. It's as bad as what I presently do - under the blanket of working for Good (environment, helping out poor country), uncritical mainstream economy-over-people concepts are propagated with a smile and, for most of those who work in such institutions I suspect, with a happy conscience.
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