23 February 2007

The Real Truth

Some sources (which I will not quote as they would uncover my well guarded identity) have been spreading calomnious representations of me and my relationship with Mister K. My PR team pushed me to publish a position statement in order to clarify the matter and appease the public, which I will thus now undertake.

1) The Real Truth is that nothing has changed...
Mister K came back from Paris in early February and has been staying with me. Inspite of having to share a limited closed space, we have had a comfortable time including biting one another, playing catch, hiding, making hot drinks for one another and further similar pleasant activities.
So why does Mister K's team of spinners claim that something is different?

2) ...except the paradigma
Following an evolution that is closely linked to my studies, to my last research project, to my visiting Longo Mai, to my talking with lovely M about relationships (she can't imagine ever having a "monogamous heterosexual relationship"), to my then thinking about the evolution of my convictions on relationships (which would require another entry), I felt that I had reached a point where I wanted to emancipate myself from the Couple Conception. Not that I met anybody else, wanted to be with anybody else, or stopped loving Mister K. But I felt the relationship could stand on its own and shouldn't be chained up to the couple concept.

Actually, this isn't how thoughts came out. It's difficult to remember what path the thoughts followed, but from today's point of view, it seemed it went somewhat like that: I felt I didn't want to be put back in a couple setting, and imagined this meant the end of the relationship with Mister K. At the same time, I felt that this was silly, considering I hadn't stopped loving Mister K. I was thus nervous about his return as I wasn't sure I would be able to reject the couple aspect without expressing rejection for him.

So far though, it seems to have been possible. Mister K. insisted for a while on naming the new paradigma "Estranged ex relationship" but seeing as it blatantly had nothing to do with reality, the term "Special Relationship" has now come to be widely accepted.



Blogger Jack Muddle said...

you probably ought to ask Mr. K what he thinks of the whole thing. it's all good and well to think things out for yourself, but when the outside world, or even one other person is involved there's always a chance that they won't conform to, or will even rebel against the ideas you've made.

2:31 am  

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