25 September 2006

Rate race out of the sinking ship

I applied for another job. It may be silly, as people with vested interests in me staying in my present situation tried to convince me. But the stress-related stomach pains and bitterness I have been experiencing on a nearly constant basis for most of the year just can't go on. Yoga might be an easier option though.
I was casually looking at the employment section of the website of one of Berlin's top research institutions and saw that they were looking into employing a student for 15 hours a week until summer next year. I'd always been envious of students working there, in a purely irrational fashion though, as I've nothing to base this on other than the glamourous and protected complex of buildings the institution has and the series of somewhat famous academics who work there.

Usually the employment section has offers for students to work 10 hours, or only a handful of months, which is too little for me to live off. This was the first offer I could seriously consider. The problem however, is that I'm not exactly what they're looking for. When I wrote my application for my present job, over two years ago, I knew I was what they wanted and I would get the job, and this made writing the letter very easy. This time though, and although I have serious advantages, I am not the perfect match. They are looking for someone more focused on political economy than me. And this focus is also something that makes me somewhat unexcited about the potential job.
Still, I stand some chances of getting it. Some. We'll see.
The prospect of my going away speech approaching is less exciting than when it was very very far away.


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